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My beliefs

This post was made by me AND grantm56

My Beliefs
I believe, as a Christian that everyone on this planet is a dirty, rotten sinner. Romans 3:23 ICB version:
"All people have sinned and are not good enough for God's glory."
That means even you and I are sinners. 

When someone sins, (s)he earns what sin pays: death. 
The death talked about in this verse is not just human death; everybody dies, but it is eternal misery in hell. Hell is a terrible place, and it was meant for anybody who sins.

how sin happened: 
Isaiah 14:12-15
12 “ How you are fallen from heaven, 
      O Lucifer,[a] son of the morning! 
      How you are cut down to the ground, 
      You who weakened the nations! 
       13 For you have said in your heart: 
      ‘ I will ascend into heaven, 
      I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; 
      I will also sit on the mount of the congregation 
      On the farthest sides of the north; 
       14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, 
      I will be like the Most High.’ 
       15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, 
      To the lowest depths of the Pit. 
when the Bible says Yet you shall be brought down to seol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. it's talking about when Lucifer was brought down to to hell and got his name changed to Satan.

Genesis 3 and Genesis 1:27
You might know this already but on the sixth day God created man. That man was Adam.  Then Adam got lonely so when was asleep God took one of his ribs and made a woman, and her name was Eve.  A while after that Eve got tempted by Satan (who had entered the body of a serpent) and ate a apple fruit (we don't really know what kind of fruit) that God had said not to eat.  That fruit was what started the human nature of sin.

But before you get the tears going there is a way that you can get rid of these dirty rotten sins.

God gives us a free gift-life forever in Jesus Christ our Lord.

John 3:16 For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. God gave His Son so that whoever believes in Him may not be lost, but have eternal life.

The eternal that is talked about in this verse is eternal life with the Savior. God sent his ONLY son to DIE FOR YOU!

You see Jesus willingly died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day as you can see in Matthew 27:32-54, Mark 15:21-39, Luke 23:26-48, and John 19:16-37.
Jesus rose again on the third day and Jesus overcame death which means he overcame the sins -our sins- that killed Him. So his followers told others about what happened.

And if you truly believe and accept that this happened you will be saved from your sins.

I'm not lying. The Bible is true and everything I just said is from the Bible. you can even check the Bible to make sure it's true.